Biểu mẫuHợp đồng - Nghiệm thu - Thanh lý

Hợp đồng thuê nhà bằng tiếng Anh – Contract of House Renting

Mẫu hợp đồng thuê nhà bằng tiếng Anh

Mẫu hợp đồng thuê nhà bằng tiếng Anh

Mẫu Hợp đồng thuê nhà bằng tiếng anh – Contract of House Renting xin được gửi đến các bạn tham khảo, nhất là khi làm việc với các công ty, đối tác hoặc người làm việc là nước ngoài thêm căn cứ, nắm vững được các điều khoản đảm bảo quyền lợi hai bên.

1. Hợp đồng thuê nhà bằng tiếng Anh

In-principle agreement for house Renting

This In-principle Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “IPA”) is signed on ____/__/2006 in __________, by and between the following parties

The lessor: ________________________

Address: ______________________

Identity Card No: _______________

Nationality: ________________

(Hereinafter referred to as: “Party A”)


The lessee:

Mr. ______________________________

Nationality: _____________

Passport No.: _____________

Date of issue: _____________

Date of expiry: _____________

(Hereinafter referred to as: “Party B”)


the Party B, one of the foreign investors who are going to invest in Vietnam by co-operation with one Vietnamese company, named __________ in form of joint venture company, engaging in restaurant services (Hereinafter referred to as: “Project”), wishes to lease Party A’s house to serve as the Head Office and restaurant of the joint venture company;

The Party A is a authorized person of the household, owning the house to be leased, and the Party A would like to sign the House Leasing Contract with the Party B.


The two Parties agree to sign this IPA upon the following Terms and Conditions.

Article 1. Leasing Purposes

The Parties agree to enter this IPA for the foundation of signing the official Contract of House Leasing in future, accordingly the established joint venture company – after being granted for an Investment Certificate – shall use the Leased Location as its Head Office and restaurant for business activities of the project which is approved in the Investment Certificate by the competent authorities of Vietnam.

Article 2. Main Articles and Conditions of the Official Contract of House Leasing

2.1 House for lease

– Address: ________________________________________________

– Total floor area for lease: ____________ m2.

2.2 Term of lease

2.2.1 The joint venture company shall officially sign the Contract of House leasing with the Party A right after it is granted by competent authorities of Vietnam with investment Certificate under current laws and regulations on foreign investment in Vietnam;

2.2.2 Term of the official Contract of House leasing shall be 05 (five) years commencing from the date of signatures.

2.2.3 In case of extension of the Leasing Contract, the two Parties shall come to an agreement for the extension. In respect of any case, proposal for extension should be made 30 (thirty) days in advance prior to the date of expiry as provided in Item (2.2.2) of this Agreement.

2.3 Payment

2.3.1 The payment for house leasing shall correspond to USD / month (one thousand and three hundred United State Dollars) per month;

2.3.2 The joint venture company shall be subject to perform payments for utilities, telephone at the Location upon the monthly actual volume (based on the figures initially agreed by the Parties at the date of handing-over).

2.3.3 Equipments that the joint venture company is entitled to exploit at the location shall be particularly determined by the Parties on the date of officially signing the official Contract of house leasing and shall be listed as an Appendix which is an integral part of such Contract.

2.4 Mode of payment

2.4.1 Currency for payment:

The Parties shall perform the payment in Vietnam Dong. The currency provided in this IPA as well as in the future official Contract of house leasing are only for reference for the purpose of determining the particular amount of payment in Vietnam Dong.

2.4.2 The payment for house leasing shall be paid in Quarter basis. Such payment shall be made by the joint venture company to the Party A within first ten days of first month of each Quarter.

Article 3. Responsibilities of the Parties

3.1 Responsibilities of the Party A

3.1.1 to ensure of being the legal owner who has legal documents on the leased house;

3.1.2 to be liable to carry out necessary legal procedures at competent authorities of Vietnam (if required by law) in order to facilitate the joint venture company for its lawful exploitation of the location;

3.1.3 to hand-over the house timely to the joint venture company right after both Parties sign the official Contract of house leasing for the purposes of timely business operation of such company;

3.1.4 to be liable to provide Party B and the joint venture company with relevant legal documents presenting Party A’s ownership to the location;

3.1.5 to ensure and facilitate the Party B and the joint venture company with the best assistance for their full and solely right of exploitation of the house upon agreement in this IPA and the official Contract of house leasing that should be signed later on;

3.1.6 to perform the legitimate fees, taxes in relation to the real-estate leasing activities under current regulations of Vietnam;

3.1.7 to make a notice of 3 (three months) in advance to the Party B and/or the joint venture company in case of unilaterally terminate the Contract prior to the agreed expiry.

3.2 Responsibilities of the Party B and the joint venture company

3.2.1 to timely perform the payment of house leasing;

3.2.2 to exploit the house in purposes as agreed;

3.2.3 to be liable to compensate for the damages, losing of furniture, interior equipment at the location which are not caused by normal margin of wear and tear. Actively manage and control the accompanied equipments which are proprietary of the Party B and/or the joint venture company;

3.2.4 to fully follow the regulations of security, sanitation and environment at the location;

3.2.5 to make a notice of 3 (three) months in advance to the Party A in case of unilaterally terminate the Contract prior to the agreed expiry.

Article 4. Other responsibilities of the two Parties.

4.1 Right after the joint venture company gets the Investment Certificate, both Parties shall come to signatures of the official Contract of house leasing, particularly specifying the Articles and other conditions as agreed in this IPA, also the responsibilities of the Parties should be determined. The payment for house leasing shall be specified upon particular Articles of the official Contract;

4.2 Both Parties commit to strictly performing the Articles of this IPA and the official Contract that shall signed later on. In case of disputes, the Parties shall try their utmost for conciliation. If no amicable conciliation is reached, the disputes shall be settled upon the current laws of Vietnam;

4.3 In case where the joint venture company is not granted for an Investment Certificate by competent authorities of Vietnam, the Parties shall come to commitment that no Party shall be borne by the other for any fees or payments occurred from this IPA.

Article 5. Miscellaneous

5.1 the Parties commit to strictly performing the Articles and conditions provided in this IPA;

5.2 this IPA shall take effect in a period of 3 (three) months from the date of signatures. During this time, the Party B should be liable to advise the Party A in written document of the ability to come to the official Contract of house leasing;

5.3 this IPA shall be automatically invalid upon one of the following cases:

(iv) The Party B advises Party A of no signatures to the official Contract of house leasing;

(v) The joint venture company fails to be granted for Investment Certificate by the competent authorities of Vietnam;

(vi) The Parties officially sign the Contract of house leasing upon issuance of Investment Certificate to the joint venture company.

5.4 this IPA is made in four (04) original copies in both Vietnamese and English with equally legal authentic. In case of any inconsistence between the Vietnamese version and English version due to the translation problem, the Vietnamese ones shall be prevailed. Each Party in this IPA keeps 01 (one) copy of both languages, 01 (one) copy is kept in the Application Dossier, 01 (one) copy is submitted to the Licensing Authorities for their consideration.

Signatures of the Parties

2. Hợp đồng thuê nhà bằng tiếng Anh số 2


Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc


Independence – Freedom – Happiness




Số (No.):…………………..

Ngày (Date):………………

Hôm nay, ngày….tháng….năm………, chúng tôi gồm có:

(Today is………………………., we consist of)


Đại diện (Rep.): …………………………………….- Chức vụ (Position): …………………..

Giấy phép số:: ……………………………………………………………..

(Business license No. …………………. )

Địa chỉ (Address): ……………………………………………………………………………….

Điện thoại (Tell): ……………………………………..- Fax: ………………………………….

E-mail: ……………………………………………………………………………….

Mã số thuế (Tax code): …………………………………………………………………………..

Số tài khoản (Bank account):

Là chủ sở hữu pháp lý của nhà cho thuê (As the legal possessor of the apartment for lease)


Đại diện (Rep.): ……………………………………- Chức vụ (Position): ……………………

Giấy phép số (Business license No.): …………………………………………………………….

Địa chỉ (Address): ………………………………………………………………………………

Điện thoại (Tell): ……………………………………- Fax: ……………………………………………..

E-mail: ……………………………………………………………………………….

Mã số thuế (Tax code): ………………………………………………………………………….

Bên A và Bên B – dưới sự chứng kiến của Công ty môi giới – thống nhất ký kết hợp đồng thuê nhà với những điều khoản và điều kiện như sau:

(Both Party A and Party B – under the witness of the real estate broker – have mutually agreed to enter into this house lease contract with the following terms and condition):



Bên A đồng ý cho bên Bên B thuê diện tích như sau: (Party A has the following space leased by Party B)

1. Địa điểm và diện tích (Place and area):…………………………………………………….

2. Mục đích sử dụng (Purpose of use: For doing house): ………………………………………………………..

3. Căn nhà, hệ thống cung cấp điện và nước được bàn giao cho Bên B phải trong tình trạng sử dụng tốt mà Bên B đã khảo sát và chấp nhận.

(The house, electricity & water supply systems, etc. will be handed over to Party B in good/proper working conditions which has been checked and agreed by Party B)



1. Thời hạn thuê nhà (Duration of the house lease: ..years, commencing on … and ending on…): …………………………………….

2. Điều kiện gia hạn: Sau khi hết hợp đồng. Bên B được quyền ưu tiên gia hạn hoặc ký kết hợp đồng mới, nhưng phải báo trước vấn đề cho Bên A bằng văn bản ít nhất 02 tháng.

(Extension term: After the lease terminates, Party B will be given priority to extend or to sign a new contract, but Party B has to inform the matter in writing to Party A in advance at least 02 (two) month prior to the termination).



1. Giá thuê nhà nói trên (House rental fee): …………………………………

• Giá thuê nói trên bao gồm thuế VAT 10% và tất cả các loại thuế có liên quan có thể phát sinh từ hợp đồng này; và không bao gồm tiền điện, điện thoại, fax, chi phí dịch vụ vệ sinh trong nhà và các chi phí khác do Bên B sử dụng.

(The about rental fee includes VAT 10% and all kinds of related tax that may arise under this contract; and excludes costs of electricity, telephone, fax, sanitation services inside the house and other services in the course of using those equipment/services by Party B).

• Giá thuê nói trên sẽ ổn định trong suốt thời gian thuê theo điều 2.1.

(The about rental fee is fixed for the duration of the lease mentioned in Article 2.1)

2. Các chi phí khác (Extra costs):

• Tiền điện sinh hoạt: Do Bên B chịu theo giá điện kinh doanh do ngành điện lực địa phương quy định và theo thực tế sử dụng hằng tháng (có đồng hồ đo đếm điện riêng).

(Cost for using running electricity: To be covered by Party B according to the price used for business purpose stipulated by Local Electricity Agency and according to the monthly actual consumption [having the separate electricity computer])

• Trong trường hợp cúp điện, Bên B mua dầu để chạy máy phát điện, Bên B phải thanh toán tiền dầu chạy máy phát điện cùng tháng của căn nhà……………………………..

(In case of using fuel to run electricity generator due to electricity cut-off. Party B must pay fuel charges equivalent to Party B’s rate of electricity consumption in 01 month compared with total electricity consumption in the same month of the house No……………


(Ký và ghi rõ họ tên)


(Ký và ghi rõ họ tên)

Mời bạn đọc cùng tham khảo thêm tại mục Hợp đồng – Nghiệm thu – Thanh lý trong mục biểu mẫu nhé.

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